Observe nature, take photos and have fun with friends
Role: Lead Programmer and designer
Platform: Lua + in-house game engines
Company: Lilith Games
Worked in an 8-people team at Lilith Games from Mars 2021 to July 2021.
Behavior Tree for animal AI
· Behavior Tree contains Sequence, Selector, Condition, Decoration.
· Designer designed animals' behavior. I broke the behavior mode into behavior tree diagram.
screenshot of Behavior Tree Design
Other programmer can create behavior nodes by my codes.
function BTMgr.CreateSequence(_name,_owner)
local newNode = CreateNewNode()
newNode:Init(_name, newNode.Type.Sequence,_owner)
return newNode
function BTMgr.CreateSelector(_name,_owner)
local newNode = CreateNewNode()
newNode:Init(_name, newNode.Type.Selector,_owner)
return newNode
function BTMgr.CreateAction(_name,_action,_owner,...)
local args = {...}
local newNode = CreateNewNode()
newNode:Init(_name, newNode.Type.Action,_owner,args)
return newNode
Different types of anmial FSM inherited from base FSM.
· The game has many types of animals: bird, herbivore, carnivore, etc. So I made modules for different types of animal FSM, which improves code efficiency and work efficieny.
Cooperated with other programmers to build path finding system.
· Understood the basic tool of pathfinding produced by the engine and taught other programmers.
· Wrote interfaces of pathfinding in different situations for animal ai, such as animal being chased. ## Contributed Design to camera system and photo editing system. Built these two systems and made them very customizable for designers.
· The customizable camera and photo system includes filter, sticker, selfi gesture, etc.